Photo Caption: See "June" below.
And I'd like to say that I will frequent blogger more than once every 6 months; however, I know better than to make this promise. So let's summarize the past 6 months:
January- Awesome, getting used to work. Not much traveling. Not much going out.
February- Started dating in DC. Lots of work travel. Lots of drama.
March- Started going out quite a bit. Still dating the same person, strangely enough I wasn't sick of it... yet.
April- Lots of work travel, the boy's birthday.
May- Lots and LOTS of going out, along with LOTS of work. New Car :D
June- Just finished. Broke up with boy (Picture above is quite the summary.) 17 work trainings in one month. Crazy.
So apparently all I can remember from each month fits into a nice compact sentence. Oh well. I'm still adjusting to life here. While I have quite a few friends, I often get tired of the same thing every day. So, my new thing is going to be a major Life Overhaul.
Life Overhaul Objective Numero Uno. --->
Lifestyle change: I need to majorly cut out the craptastic diet, and actually exercise. I'm not so much feeling a need to be super model skinny or anything unrealistic. I just want to be strong & healthy. I'm so tired of feeling crappy every day. This section also includes quit smoking. (As I ceremoniously light a Marlboro.) The goal for this is a #, though I will be happy with results of any magnitude.
Life Overhaul Objective Numero Dos. --->
Better money Management: I could have gone to Europe for all of the money I've spent going out in VA this year. It really is quite disturbing. My first objective is to pay off my new car (much easier said than done.) Secondly, put money away for Europe 2010 trip!
Life Overhaul Objective Numero Tres. --->
Experience New Things While in the States: Life doesn't begin when I save enough money to go to Europe. There are plenty of things here to do besides go out and party. I'm tired of living the aforementioned lifestyle. I shall fly helicopters, learn to sail, and possibly skydive before 2010 hits.